add-ico amex android apple-badge arrow-slider arrow at book btn-add-ico btn-edit-icobtn-person-icobtn-plus-icocamera computer email fb-ico id-ico maestroCreated with Sketch. image/svg+xml mastercardCreated with Sketch. image/svg+xml paper phone picture pint-ico post-addnew post-goto tel tv tw-ico visa


KAYS website and app are of a professional standard and to access our data you will need to first login or get registered. If you are listed in KAYS or have previously registered with us, you should be able to sign in below.
If you’re not sure what your details are, please click Forgot your password? or contact us on either 01753 307537 or [email protected]

Get Registered

To register on the Kays Website and App, you will gain temporary access to assess the quality and standards of Kays data. Please note that registration does not grant you a listing.

Obtaining a listing requires a one-time charge of £48.00, inclusive of VAT.

If you are part of a Production Crew and require full access, kindly reach out to our office for further assistance.
